Firmware Push to Genus 1 Device

Description of Issue

Genus 1 clock is displaying ExecuTimeCMApp error

  • ExecuTime
  • ET
  • Genus 1
  • G1

Clock needs firmware pushed

  1. On ExecuTime server, navigate to EXECUTIMEDRIVE:/EXECUTIMEFOLDER/System/ClockPolling
  2. Open the file
  3. Run the tftpd64.exe
  4. In TFTP, navigate to the Tftp Client tab
  5. For host, enter the device's IP address
  6. for Local File, select the ... button
  7. Direct to the G1v file located at EXECUTIMEDRIVE:/EXECUTIMEFOLDER/System/ClockPolling/Firmware. The file may be in a folder named Genus1 or G1.
  8. For Remote File, enter \flashdisk\Genus
  9. Select Put
  10. Wait for the device to reboot
  11. In TFTP, for Local File, select the ... button
  12. Direct to the Classes file located at EXECUTIMEDRIVE:/EXECUTIMEFOLDER/System/ClockPolling/Firmware
  13. For Remote File, enter \flashdisk\Classes.jar
  14. Select Put
  15. Wait for the device to reboot
Additional Information

If firmware files are not present, contact ExecuTime Support.