Interest expense on Refund bills

Interest expense on Refund bills

Description of Issue

Need to setup the Interest Expense calculation function in the Bill Refund Processing section so that it will calculate interest on refunds after X number of days

  • Enterprise ERP
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Bill Refund Processing

Interest Expense settings are not enabled or properly configured 


First, make sure Interest Expense is enabled by navigating to: General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Accounts Receivable Settings > Setup > Other Options

  1. Click Update
  2. Check the box that says Automatically calculate interest expense after
  3. Enter a number of days in the first field that after which interest expense should accrue
  4. Enter the required interest expense rate in the second field
  5. Click Accept
  6. Exit Bill Refund Processing (if it is already open) and re-open the program. The Interest Expense field should now be automatically calculating
  7. Make sure to fully exit Accounts Receivable Settings by using the Back buttons in the Ribbon Menu
Additional Information

The Interest Expense field in Bill Refund Processing may be manually updated by clicking Update and then clicking the yellow folder