US Census Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll - ASPEP

Description of Issue

Is there a report that will give us the information we need for the Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll (ASPEP)?  Information needed is number of full time and part time employees and the gross payroll for that through March 12th. 




EERP doesn't currently have a canned option available for this report because it is a voluntary submission, as opposed to a federal requirement. 

Please reference -

2. Is this survey mandatory?
This is a voluntary survey. However, our report is the only source of nationwide, comprehensive information on state and local government employment and payroll. This survey is authorized by Title 13, United States Code (U.S.C.), Sections 161 and 182. Also, the U.S. Congress, federal agencies, state, and other local governments, educational and research organizations, and the general public use the results of our data collection.

There are also 10 different survey forms that the EERP client base could potentially be asked to complete for a report that is requested every 5 years. For instance, the form a police protection agency would complete would be different than the form a municipality would create, which would be different from the form an elementary and secondary education entity.



  • Payroll Detail History Report program - Search for the Warrant(s) for the pay period that includes March 12th of the reporting year, export to Excel and use a pivot table to sum counts and amounts by Personnel Status (Status column).  Location, Job, Group B/U, Org and/or Position codes are also available to categorize employees based on the "Include" criteria in the survey.
  • Employee Cube - Gives you access to Employee Master information as well as Earnings History so you can pull payroll details for the warrant that crossed March 12th. 
Additional Information

Additional Information from US Census Bureau: