Time Entry Find Pending error - Unable to locate pay code for accrual type - Pay Master Impact

Description of Issue

When in Time Entry using Find Pending, I receive an error on some employees regarding accruals.

Emp X unable to locate pay code for accrual type A

  • Munis
  • Time Entry
  • ESS
  • Employee Accrual Requests
  • Employee Job/Salary 
  • Pay Master 
  • The Pay code in Pay Master is not setup to Subtract from the Accrual Type. 
  • The Pay code to Subtract from the accrual is not attached in Employee Job/Salary.
  1. Go to Pay Master. (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master)
  2. Search for the pay code. Click Accept. Click Update. Click the Impact Accruals tab. 
  3. Adjust the Impact for the Accrual Type to a Subtract option. Click Accept. 
  4. Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)
  5. Search for the employee and pay code. Click Accept. Ensure it is there with valid dates.
    1. Add the pay code to the Employee's Job/Salary record if it is not already attached. 
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