poentpst Unable to Print You do not have access to the selected Tyler Forms job code

Description of Issue

The following errors were being received when trying to Auto-Print in Purchase Orders:

Unable to print. You do not have access to the selected Tyler Form's job code.  Contact Software Support for assistance.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<Exception Type="Application" Message="(startDocument): Invalid report output type. Expecting: TXT Received: SVG" Timestamp="2020-12-04 10:19:23.91700">
<StackFrame ModuleName="ExceptionState.4gl" FunctionName="createApplicationException()" LineNumber="498"/>
<StackFrame ModuleName="PURPurchaseOrderPostInterface.4gl" FunctionName="purchaseOrderPostByBatch()" LineNumber="1738"/>
<StackFrame ModuleName="poentpst_detail.4gl" FunctionName="display_lines()" LineNumber="6317"/>
<StackFrame ModuleName="poentpst.4gl" FunctionName="main_menu()" LineNumber="1554"/>
<StackFrame ModuleName="poentpst.4gl" FunctionName="main()" LineNumber="104"/>
<ExtendedProperty Name="SystemLogId" Value="8776"/>

  • Munis
  • Purchase Orders
  • ReadyForms
  • Auto-Print Purchase Orders
  • Purchase Order Settings

Auto-printing was failing when attempting to Auto-Print Purchase Orders in Purchase Order Entry.


Verify the Purchase Order Settings are set to Auto-Print Purchase Orders and Output using ReadyForms is checked.

Financials > Purchasing > Setup > Purchasing Settings

  1. Click Update
  2. Click Output using ReadyForms
  3. Click drop-down and select XXXX
  4. Click Accept

Retry auto-printing Purchase Orders.

Additional Information