Execute delete_projects failed error when deleting a project - Project Master

Description of Issue

When deleting a project code from Project master the following error is received

Execute delete_projects failed (pamasterio_delete) - status:     -691
Please check the error log for details
and/or contact Munis Technical support


Project Master

Delete Project


The error can be caused by:

  1. The project code is defined on a Grant under Grant Amounts
  2. The project code is defined as a reference account on a Munis GL account in Account Master


The project will need to be removed from the originating record

To remove from Grant Amounts:

  • Grant Master > Search Grant > Grant Amounts > Maintain grant amounts > remove the project code from the grant amount record

To remove from a reference account

  • Account Master > Search for Account > Update > change the reference account to an account that does not contain the project code. 

If you need assistance locating which Grant or Account that is the issue please contact Munis General Ledger support 

Additional Information

The system log will outline which table references the particular project code.

Munis General Ledger Support will be able to assist in gathering the information from the system log

System Administration > General Administration > System Log > Search > under Project Id enter pamstmnt and the date the error was received and the user Id of who received the error.

If the project is referenced on a Grant Amount record the Context SQLERRMESSAGE will reflect:

  • [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_GLGrantAmounts_Projects". The conflict occurred in database "Name of your database", table "dbo.GLGrantAmounts", column 'ProjectId'.

If the project is references as a Reference account on a GL account the Context SQLERRMESSAGE will reflect

  • [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_Account_RefProject". The conflict occurred in database "muntrain20191", table "dbo.Accounts", column 'ReferenceProjId'.