Invoice Not in Balance Due to GL Allocation Not Populating

Description of Issue

General Billing Invoice Detail Not in Balance

General Billing Invoice Out of Balance

GL Allocation shows 0.00

  • Munis
  • 2019.1
  • General Billing
  • Invoice Entry and Proof
  • Accounts Receivable Charge Codes
  • Calculation Code

Support has not immediately identified the source of this rare issue and has not been able to replicate the issue internally. 


Support found that the Charge Code in trouble could be resolved by changing the Calculation Code of 2, changing this to a 5 and then immediately reverting it back to a 2. Users will need to change the GL allocation from the amount for Calculation Code 2 to 100 percent for Calculation Code 5 and then of course vice versa when reverting back. 

  1. Navigate to General Revenues>Accounts Receivable>Setup>Accounts Receivable Charge Codes.
  2. Search using Year, Charge and Category to locate the Charge Code in question. 
  3. Once located, click Update and change the Calculation Code from a 2 to a 5 followed by clicking Accept. Munis will re-direct you to update the Account Allocation for a percentage (100%) from an amount. Click Accept.
  4. Immediately click Update again and change the Calculation Code from a 5 back to a 2 and click Accept. Munis again will re-direct you to the Account Allocation, change from the percentage back to the amount you need in the Charge Code for Calculation 2. Click Accept. 
  5. The user should now go back into Invoice Entry and Proof to re-create the Invoice over again to make sure the GL Allocation Amount populates in the Proof Detail. 
  6. If the issues persists or any further issues arise during troubleshooting, please submit a case with Munis Support. 
Additional Information

Support should note that since this is such a rare case, would not rule out the possibility of this happening with different calculation codes but would have the user look to follow the resolution just swapping out the existing Calculation Code for 5. Of course, if the Charge in question is already a 5 should look to change to a 2 following the steps in the resolution.Â