Journal Entry Missing from Bank Reconciliation Classic - Create Items Process not Run

Description of Issue

Journal Entry (GCR, CRP or GEN) was posted to the cash account but is not displaying in Bank Reconciliation

  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Adjustments/Deposits Reconciliation
  • Create Items

After the journal is posted, the create items process will need to be run in order for the item(s) to pull into a Bank Reconciliation record.

From the Bank Reconciliation screen:

  1. select the Adj/Dep Recon option in the ribbon
  2. select Create Items and Accept
  3. A Munis popup for reviewing transactions will appear, select Yes to create items
  4. Once Items are created, hit Continue and Return back to the Reconciliation record
  5. Select the Recalculate option in the ribbon and the reconciliation amounts should update

Create Items process was not completed after the transaction was posted to the General Ledger

Additional Information