Looking for UTIS export file for submission to MSDE

Description of Issue

The  Unique Teacher Identifier System (UTIS) file is an export from HR that is then submitted to MSDE (Maryland State Department of Education) for assignment of State IDs.  

  • Payroll
  • Maryland
  • Version 11.3

 UTIS Export/Import functionality is an ease of use feature, and not a mandatory requirement so there isn't a canned solution in Munis.  


Use Employee Inquiry export to Excel functionality and then modify the Excel file for submission to MSDE.

To export to Excel:

  1. Open the Employee Inquiry program
  2. Select Search
  3. Enter <0 in the State ID field
  4. Select Accept
  5. Confirm record set
  6. Select Excel
  7. Select Full Report
  8. Click Select None
  9. Check mark the following fields:
    1. Employee Number
    2. SSN
    3. First Name
    4. Last Name
    5. Middle Name
    6. Suffix
    7. Prior Last Name
    8. Location Code
    9. State ID
    10. Date of Birth
    11. Gender Code
    12. Ethnicity
    13. American Indian or Alaska Native
    14. Asian
    15. Black or African American
    16. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
    17. White
  10. Select Accept

Open the Excel file created from the Employee Inquiry export and take the following steps to properly format for submission to MSDE:

    1. Sort the columns (put them in the same order as the UTIS layout)
      1. Highlight Columns H & I
      2. Right click and select Cut
      3. Highlight Column A
      4. Right click and select Insert Cut Cells
      5. Highlight Column D
      6. Right click and select Cut
      7. Highlight Column R
      8. Right click and select Paste
      9. Highlight Column D
      10. Right click and select Delete
    2. Sort the columns (put them in the same order as the UTIS layout)
      1. Highlight Columns H & I
      2. Right click and select Cut
      3. Highlight Column A
      4. Right click and select Insert Cut Cells
      5. Highlight Column D
      6. Right click and select Cut
      7. Highlight Column R
      8. Right click and select Paste
      9. Highlight Column D
      10. Right click and select Delete
    3. Add a column for LSS Code
      1. Highlight Column A
      2. Right click and select Insert
      3. Select Cell A1 and enter LSS
      4. Select Cell A2 and enter the LSS code you want reported.  Use copy/paste to copy A2 and paste into the remaining Column A cells.
    4. Find/Replace Ethnicity
      1. Highlight Column L
      2. Select CTRL + H
      3. In the Find field enter No, Not Hispanic or Latino
      4. In the Replace field enter N
      5. Select Replace All
      6. Select Ok
      7. In the Find field enter Yes, Hispanic or Latino
      8. In the Replace field enter Y
      9. Select Replace All
      10. Select Ok
    5. Find/Replace Race N/0 (zero)
      1. Highlight Columns M, N, O, P & Q
      2. Select CTRL + H
      3. In the Find field enter N
      4. In the Replace field enter 0
      5. Select Replace All
      6. Select Ok
      7. Select Close
    6. Find/Replace Race American Indian or Alaska Native
      1. Highlight Column M
      2. Select CTRL + H
      3. In the Find field enter Y
      4. In the Replace field enter 1
      5. Select Replace All
      6. Select Ok
      7. Select Close
    7. Find/Replace Race Asian
      1. Highlight Column N
      2. Select CTRL + H
      3. In the Find field enter Y
      4. In the Replace field enter 2
      5. Select Replace All
      6. Select Ok
      7. Select Close
    8. Find/Replace Race Black or African American
      1. Highlight Column O
      2. Select CTRL + H
      3. In the Find field enter Y
      4. In the Replace field enter 3
      5. Select Replace All
      6. Select Ok
      7. Select Close
    9. Find/Replace Race Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
      1. Highlight Column P
      2. Select CTRL + H
      3. In the Find field enter Y
      4. In the Replace field enter 4
      5. Select Replace All
      6. Select Ok
      7. Select Close
    10. Find/Replace Race White
      1. Highlight Column Q
      2. Select CTRL + H
      3. In the Find field enter Y
      4. In the Replace field enter 5
      5. Select Replace All
      6. Select Ok
      7. Select Close
    11. Insert a new field for Race Code
      1. Highlight Column M
      2. Right click and select Insert
      3. Select Cell M1 and enter Race Code
      4. Select Cell M2 and enter =CONCAT(N2,O2,P2,Q2,R2)
      5. Copy the Formula into the remaining Column M cells
      6. Highlight Column M
      7. Right click and select Copy
      8. Right click and select Paste Values
    12. Delete obsolete Race columns
      1. Highlight Columns N, O, P, Q & R
      2. Right click and select Delete
    13. Save as CSV
      1. Select File > Save As
      2. Enter a filename and make sure the 'Save as type' is CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)(*.csv)
      3. Select Save


Additional Information

The Unique Teacher Identifier System (UTIS) is an internet based application used within the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to assign State Assigned Teacher Identification Numbers (SATIDs),