Custom MU_ TCM Security Groups not syncing from TCM to Munis

Description of Issue

Created custom MU_TCM security group in the TCM Full Client. The group has been linked to a user's Munis role, but is not syncing over from Munis to the TCM Full Client under their user ID. 

  • Enterprise ERP
  • Munis
  • Tyler Content Manager
  • TCM
  • Content Manager
  • CM
  • TCM Full Client 
  • Custom Security Groups
  • Permissions
  • The custom MU_ CM security group ID likely has more than 20 characters which does not allow Munis to recognize and sync it to the TCM Full Client. 
  • The group ID has a special character, such as a comma in the Group Name. Group Names can include dashes and spaces, but all other special characters should not be used.

Adjust the MU_ TCM security group in the TCM Full Client:

  1. Launch the TCM Full Client
    1. How to Access and Launch the TCM Full Client
  2. Navigate to Administration > Security Manager > Groups
  3. Find and click once on custom MU_ CM security group
  4. Click the Duplicate Selected Item this is the double paper icon in the upper right hand corner
  5. Adjust the Group ID field to 20 or less total characters, all else can stay the same
  6. Adjust the Group Name, removing any special characters
  7. Click OK 
  8. Find the and select the original 20+ character MU_ CM security group and click Show Menu (double green arrows in upper right hand corner) and then click Remove Entry

Navigate back to Munis:

  1. launch the Tyler Menu
  2. Navigate to System Administration > General Administration > TylerCM for Munis Settings 
  3. Proceed to reset the Master Password and Rebuild CM Cache
    1. How to Reset Master Password and Rebuild TCM Caches

This custom MU_ TCM security group will show up when linked to the desired Munis role, and will now sync over successfully from Munis to TCM where it no longer has 20+ characters as the Group ID. 

Additional Information

Please contact Content Manager Support for any further questions if the steps above are not working to sync the custom MU_ CM security group over from Munis to TCMM. Please also provide the particular custom MU_ CM group name as well as which environment you are working in (LIVE,TEST,TRAIN, etc).Â