NCDPI UERS Payroll - Generate Error when Local Use segment is defined

Description of Issue

Receiving the following error when generating and not sure what is causing it:

usp_NCDPIPayrollDetail_Generate failed: <?xml version="1.0" encoding ="windows-1252"?>

<SQLError><row Value="515 Cannon insert the value NULL into column&apos;LocalUseCode&apos;,table &apos,mun5347test.StateReporting.NCPayrollDetail&apos;;column does not allow for nulls. INSERT fails. Line in SP:1767"/>

  • Payroll
  • North Carolina
  • NCDPI UERS Payroll Detail Report

Local Use segment is defined but no segments are mapped

  • Install work ticket MUN-412493 when available
  • Leave Local Use Segment as blank
Additional Information