How to find which segments make up a GL long account

Description of Issue
  • Where can I see how a GL Long account is setup?
  • Where does it show which segments make up a long account?
  • When trying to add a long account to a pay record in Employee Job/Salary I get errors, where can I go to see if the account is valid?
  • Munis
  • Payroll
  • General Ledger Settings
  • Account Master
  • Employee Job/Salary

User wanted to know if a GL long account being added to a pay record in Employee Job/Salary existed and was not sure how to search in Account Master. 

  1. Go to General Ledger Settings (Financials>General Ledger Menu>Setup/Chart of Accounts>General Ledger Settings)
  2. Click the Segment Sizes Tab
  3. Note the Segment Order Settings. 
    1. Example, Fund, SCC, TI/FUNCTION, Object, Subject, etc. 100-5000-052000-140-000000,etc.
  4. Go to Account Master (Financials>General Ledger Menu>Setup/Chart of Accounts>Account Master)
  5. Click Search. Define the Long account segments in their corresponding fields. 
    1. Example, define 100 in the Fund field, 5000 in the SCC field, etc. 
  6. Click Accept. If there are no results, the account does not exist. 
Additional Information

Note: GL Long account segment setup is different for all sites.Â