A character to number conversion process failed error when exporting the Consumption History Inquiry Report

Description of Issue

When processing any output of the Consumption History Inquiry/Report users are receiving the error Program stopped at 'utdmdinq_ubcnsinq.4gl', line number 3744.
SQL statement error number -1213 (-1).
A character to numeric conversion process failed.

  • Munis 
  • Versions 2018+

Error is due to the output of the report missing a value that should be included causing the process to error and close the program.


Install MUN based on Munis version through MIU or Tyler Deploy

MUN-408904 (2018.1.28.0)
MUN-412323 (2018.1.29.0)
MUN-412324 (2019.1.22.0)
MUN-412325 (2020.1.0.0A)
MUN-412326 (2020.2.0.0A)
MUN-412327 (2020.3.0.0A)
MUN-412328 (2021.1.0.0A)
MUN-412329 (2021.2.0.0)
MUN-412330 (2022.2.0.0)

Additional Information