Setting Document Sort Order - ReadyForms

Description of Issue

Documents are printing out of sort order




The Document Sort option on the ReadyForms Template is not setup correctly 

  1. Sign into ReadyForms Administration
  2. Select the Template that needs the sort order adjusted 
  3. Expand the Advanced Options section
  4. Select the desired sort option from the Document Sort dropdown 
Additional Information
  • Understanding splitting in ReadyForms
    • Splitting by document guarantees an individual document will be created for each record. This would typically be used for emailing or archiving documents. Only unique values like document (i.e.-Accounts Payable Check), Check Number, Purchase Order Number, etc. should be used for emailing or archiving documents to ensure that only one document is emailed or archived per record.
    • Splitting by a value other than document (i.e.-Check Number, Payee Name) will split the documents as well as sort them by that value. For example, splitting by Check Number with no sorting will split and sort the run by Check Number.
    • Splitting by Check Number and sorting by Check Number has the same effect as simply splitting by Check Number.
  • How to maintain the existing sort from an integrating system (Munis, NWERP and EnerGov)
    • No sort can be specified on the ReadyForms’ template.
    • If splitting into multiple files, in order to honor the integrating system’s sort, the split can only be done by document (i.e.-Accounts Payable Check). If a split is done using any other value, this will not honor the sort as they will be sorted by the split value as well overriding the integrating system’s sort.
  • Sorting in ReadyForms:
    • The sort is applied to the individual document, not the overall document run. 
    • If One File is used and a sort is applied, one file will be output, and it will be sorted as selected. For example, no split and sorting by Payee Name will create one document sorted alphabetically by Payee Name.
    • If Multiple Files is used and a sort is applied, the sort will be applied within each individual file.
    • Selecting Multiple Files with a split by document and any sort will do nothing as each file will only have one document in it and has nothing to sort. For example, splitting by Accounts Payable Check and sorting by Check Number will have no effect on the sort and should not be done.
    • Selecting Multiple Files with a split by any other value that could have multiple documents (i.e. Department Code) could then have a sort used as well (i.e.- Check number or Payee Name) to sort the documents within each Department Code. For example, splitting by Department Code and sorting by Check Number will create multiple files split by Department Code and within each file, the checks will be sorted by Check Number.