BatchManager.createBatch error when submitting payments from EnerGov to Munis

Description of Issue

EnerGov receives an error message from Munis when submitting a batch.

Error Message: Unexpected exception caught from MUNIS batch manager http call...MUERROR: Error returned from BatchManager.createBatch...Year/Per are outside users permitted range.

  • Munis
  • EnerGov
  • Accounts Receivable
  • User Permissions

The Munis account used by the EnerGov integration has incorrect user permissions.


Review the Munis system log:

  1. Navigate to System Administration > General Administration > System Log
  2. Using the System Log Id in the Log Id field, search for the system log record
  3. Under the Context Box, review the field @Message for the Munis error

Year/Per are outside users permitted:

  1. Navigate to System Administration > Security > User Attributes
  2. Search for the User ID
    1. For self-hosted Munis clients, use wsuser 
    2. For SaaS Munis clients, use XXXXweb, where XXXX is your SaaS number
  3. Under the ROLES tab, single click to highlight the role to edit
  4. Click the Edit Role button from the bottom of the page to open the Roles program
  5. Locate the General Ledger folder from the left column
    1. If the General Ledger folder was yellow, click Update on the General Ledger Roles screen
      1. Update the permissions Allow transactions in periods prior to the default and Allow transactions in periods beyond the default to 12
      2. Click Accept to save changes
    2. If the General Ledger folder was not yellow, click Add on the General Ledger Roles screen
      1. Update the permissions Allow transactions in periods prior to the default and Allow transactions in periods beyond the default to 12
      2. Click Accept to save changes
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