TX PEIMS why are employees missing from my TSDS Class Roster?

Description of Issue

Some of my staff members are not pulling for Class Roster and not sure why. 

  • Payroll
  • Texas

Employees were omitted from the 305 Import.

The 305 Import process acts as selection criteria for the Munis Generate.  Records are only Generated in Munis for the staff found within the 305 Import file that meet the following criteria:

  • There is a <TeacherSectionAssociation> tag within the import file produced by the SIS software.
  • There is a matching Unique ID (Employee Master State ID) record in Munis for any staff record with a <TeacherSectionAssociation> tag.

Acquire a new 305 Import file that includes all expected employees, or manually add a record in the Munis PEIMS Staff File Records program for each missing employee.

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