Employer YTD amounts are not printing on check stubs

Description of Issue

Employer YTD amounts are not printing on check stubs even with Print Empr YTD on Check option selected in Deduction and Benefit Master

  • Munis
  • Payroll

Print YTD on Check option wasn't selected in Deduction and Benefit Master. To print the Empr amount this Print YTD on Check option needs to be selected as well.

  1. Navigate to Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Deduction and Benefit Master 
  2. Search for deduction(s) in question
  3. Update go to the CHECK tab
  4. Select both the Print YTD on Check and Print Empr YTD on Check options
  5. Accept
Additional Information

ytd checkbox checked but employer ytd checkbox unchecked -> employee ytd shows but not employer
ytd checkbox unchecked and employer ytd checkbox checked OR unchecked -> no ytd shows
ytd checkbox checked and employer ytd checkbox checked -> both show