NY RS2402 Making an Adjustment to Salary Earned on Employee Retirement Maintenance

Description of Issue

Can't see the salary adjustment that I made

  • Payroll
  • New York
  • NY Employee Retirement Maintenance
  • NY Employee Retirement  RS2402 Report

Generating after the change is made will wipe out the manual change


NY Employee Retirement Maintenance needs to be generated first to create the submission file.

  1. Select Generate from the top ribbon
  2. Select Define and set the range of pays to include and/or exclude
  3. Select Accept and Execute
  4. Select Update and Accept to make any adjustments as necessary.
  5. Select NY Employee Retirement RS2402 Report
  6. Select Define and Accept
  7. Choose your output option to create the electronic file for submission

Additional Information

Within the NY Employee Retirement Maintenance program, there is a 'Generate' option. Each reporting month, when the Generate option is used, the system pulls the 'Ret Contribution' amount from the Monthly Employee Accumulator record for the Report Month and defined Retirement Deduction Code. The 'Salary Earned' is then calculated by summing the Monthly Employee Accumulator Records for the defined Pay Type Codes (Under the 'Pay Types to Include for Gross' section on the Generate screen).  Any Pay Types not listed here will be excluded from the Salary Earned calculation. 

The Employee Adjustment screen allows you to create and update adjustment information for the previous month.Â