NY Employee Retirement RS2402 Report is missing an employee

Description of Issue

NY RS2402 report is missing an employee and reporting some that have retired.

  • Payroll
  • New York
  • NY Employee Retirement RS2402 Report
Generate step in Retirement Maintenance had not been performed for the current reporting month

Data needs to be Generated each month in the NY Employee Retirement Maintenance program before the RS2402 Report can be created.

  1. Open the NY Employee Retirement Maintenance program. 
  2. Select Generate from the top ribbon
  3. Select Define and set the range of pays to include and/or exclude
  4. Select Accept and Execute
  5. Select Update and Accept to make any adjustments.
  6. Select NY Employee Retirement RS2402 Report
  7. Select Define and Accept
  8. Choose your output option to create the electronic file for submission