Multiple Worksite Report - Combine Munis Locations into one Location on report

Description of Issue

Is there some way to get one total per group of Locations on the report?  For example, Police has multiple sub-locations and there is a total for each sub-location, but wanting one total for Police overall, which would be the total of all the Police sub-locations.

  • Payroll
  • State Reporting
  • Multiple Worksite Report (BLS3020)


Munis Locations can be grouped using the MWL Crosswalk Type. 

The Crosswalk can correlates to the Location field in the Employee Master (Primary Location), or to the Check Location field in the Employee Master (Work Location). 

  1. Select Crosswalk from the Multiple Worksite Report (BLS3020) screen. 
  2. Select Add
  3. Select MWL - Multiple Worksite Report Location from the Crosswalk Type drop-down
  4. In the Munis Value field, enter the Munis Location code you want to Crosswalk
  5. In the Crosswalk Value field, enter the Location code you want to see on the Multiple Worksite Report
  6. Select Accept
  7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for each Munis Location that needs to be Crosswalked
  8. Select Back to return to the Multiple Worksite Report (BLS3020) screen
  9. Select Define
  10. Select either Crosswalk Primary or Crosswalk Work in the Location field, depending on which field in the Employee Master should be evaluated for the Crosswalk
  11. Populate remaining fields and click Accept
  12. Select an output option
Additional Information

Tip: Before building the MWL Crosswalk, pull up all the Location or Check Location values. Browse and export to Excel.  Use the Excel file to plan the Crosswalk.