An Error has occurred while writing the changes to the database

Description of Issue

User receiving error creating charge code

Cant update or create a charge code

Error adding Charge Codes

  • Munis
  • Accounts Receivable Charge Codes

In this scenario users may receive an error An Error has occurred while writing the changes to the database when attempting to complete entry of a new charge code or updating an existing Charge Code.



Update the charges Deposit Account field with a legitimate account and then the user can immediately mark the charge code Inactive if that is the intended goal. If not, update the charges Deposit Account and Accept the changes and Munis should no longer error making changes to that charge.

Development Fix

Please download and install the associated MUN Work for your appropriate environment version from the MIU or please submit a support ticket to the TSM SaaS Hosting Team to install the MUN. If you are a hosted site. 

2019.1.22.0 - MUN-394114

2019.3.17.0 - MUN-401340

2021.1.0.0 - MUN-401341

2022.2.0.0 - MUN-401342

Additional Information