Account hyperlinks show as a URL when exported to Excel or PDF - SSRS Account Trial Balance and SSRS Account Detail History reports

Description of Issue

When exporting to excel or viewing the output through PDF the account hyperlinks display as a URL 

When Include Hyperlinks is set to No the hyperlinks are still being included


Account Trial Balance SSRS Report

Account Detail history SSRS Report


When the output is exported to Excel or displayed as a PDF the account links display as the URL instead of the GL account

  • Work ticket MUN-412120 is open with development to address the issue
  • The Munis canned Account Trial Balance report can be used as a work around
    • Financial > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Account Trial Balance
  • The Munis canned Account Detail History report can be used as a work around
    • Financial > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Account Detail History Report
Additional Information