Multiple Worksite Report wages don't equal Unemployment Report wages

Description of Issue

Total earnings on Multiple Worksite Report (MWS) does not match total earnings for Unemployment.

  • Payroll
  • State Specific
  • Multiple Worksite Report (BLS3020)

Define parameters did not match between the two reports


For earnings calculation to match between the two, the define parameters have match between the two so both are pulling the same employees, and excluding the same pay and deduction amounts when gross is calculated. 

  1. Ensure that all Excluded Pays and Excluded Deductions match.
  2. Ensure that Location and Org selection criteria matches.
  3. Ensure that Report Deduction Gross is not check marked on the Multiple Worksite Report, so the Multiple Worksite Report will calculate the gross the same way Unemployment is calculating the gross.  Unemployment does not have an option to pull from a deduction gross. 
Additional Information