How to setup a flat amount hourly rate stipend where hours can be entered in ESS

Description of Issue

I need to setup a flat amount hourly rate stipend pay that an employee can enter hours for in ESS. (Example, they work town council meetings and get a flat $125.00 each time they work. I want them to be able to enter 1 hour for each time they need the $125.00)

  • Munis
  • Pay Master
  • Employee Job/Salary
  • ESS

  1. Go to Pay Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master)
  2. Click Add.
  3. Define the Pay code, descriptions, etc. Define the Category as either 4-Additional Comp or 6-Misc/Other Pay, Calc code 01-Hourly Rate-No Standard Hours, Units H-Hours, Rate/Amount 125.00 (or leave this blank and define in Employee Job/Salary), ESS Time Entry Y-Time Entry.
  4. Define any other applicable fields. Click Accept. 
  5. Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)
  6. Search for the Employee. Click Add. Define the pay code and verify or define the hourly rate. Define other applicable fields. Click Accept. 
Additional Information

With the ESS Time Entry setting set to Y-Time Entry the pay code will be available to define hours in ESS Timesheeets.Â