Change Codes in Earnings and Deductions in Payroll

Description of Issue

What are the change codes in Earnings and Deductions?

  • Munis
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Earnings and Deductions 

  1. Go to Earnings and Deductions. (Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status. Click Search. Define warrant. Click Accept. Click Change. Click Earnings and Deductions.)
  2. Verify active warrant. Click Yes.
  3. Search for employee. Click Accept. Click Pay or Withholding Tab. Double click on Pay or Deduction that has been changed. Note number referenced in the Change field. 
  4. The number in the Change field in the Earnings and Deductions Detail Screen can be a sum of any change codes. (Example, if a pay code rate and amount was changed, the Change field will reference 1028)

Pay change codes:

  • 1-Other (any field not listed below)
  • 2-G/L (org, object, project, allocation)
  • 4-Rate
  • 8-Hours/Days
  • 1024-Amount

Deduction change codes:

  • 1-Sufficiency
  • 2- Calc Code
  • 4-Tax Tables, Tax Marital Status, Exemptions 
  • 256-Deduction Gross
  • 512-Employee Amount
  • 1024-Employer Amount
Additional Information