Invoice Inquiry Master Audit Header Access Denied error
Invoice Inquiry Master Audit Header Access Denied error
Description of Issue
Not able to access General Billing Invoice Inquiry Header Audits
Access denied due to program security established by the System Administrator
- Munis
- General Billing
- Invoice Inquiry
- Accounts Receivable Audits
- Security and Permissions
- Roles
- Menu Security
This scenario may come up when users have sufficient permissions for Accounts Receivable and General Billing but receive an Access Denied prompt when clicking into Invoice Master Header Audit from within Invoice Inquiry. This is directly related to a Roles limitation with Menu Security not giving access to the Accounts Receivable Audits program. Munis is attempting to open the Accounts Receivable Audits program but the Role is not granting users Menu Access to that program.
- Navigate to System Administration>Security>Roles.
- Search, Browse or Create a new role to grant users access.
- Click Menu Security.
- Use the Menu Navigation to grant access to the Accounts Receivable Audits program.
- TIP: Use the menu navigation head to General Revenues>Accounts Receivable>Setup>Accounts Receivable Audits program and then click the check box for just this program. This will only grant user access to just that program and no others if that is what a site is looking to accomplish.
- The users who have this Role will now be able to click Header within the Invoice Master Audit and the Accounts Receivable Audits program will open as long as there is Invoice Header Adjustments made for that invoice.
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