ExecuTime clock login takes too long to log out version v5.1.1 and prior

Description of Issue

Users are having to wait 10 seconds until the TouchTime logs the previous user out after punching in or out before the next user can login

  • ET
  • ExecuTime
  • TouchTime
  • Genus 1
  • G1
  • Genus 2
  • G2
  • Clock v5.1.1 and prior

The Inactivity Timeout (seconds) for Timeclocks authorized in the application is set to 10 by default which will force logins to timeout after 10 seconds of inactivity


Must have permissions to access the Clock Polling tab in ExecuTime to modify setting.

  1. Login to ExecuTime with credentials
  2. Select System Admin > UI Environment Flags > Clock Polling
  3. Look for field named Inactivity Timeout (seconds) for Genus devices
  4. Change the number to the desired value and select Save
  5. Navigate to System Admin > Scheduled System Jobs and run the Clock Configuring Job by selecting the Run this entry icon 
    1. This job will push the updated information out to all of your authorized timeclocks
    2. Wait approximately 10 minutes for the timeclock to receive it's updated files from the application 
Additional Information

For TouchTime clocks, users can also click on the red check mark (user selected clock out) or green check mark (user selected clock in) to force the message to go away and select Logout in the top right hand corner of the screen

For clock versions v5.2.0 and higher, refer to ExecuTime clock login takes too long to log out