Payroll Check Previously Cleared now shows Uncleared

Description of Issue

Client had cleared a payroll check and it was showing as Cleared with a date in  Manual Check Reconciliation then it showed up again as Uncleared in Manual Check Reconciliation but it is truly cleared.

  • Munis
  • HR/Payroll
  • Payroll
  • End of Period
  • Check Reconciliation
  • Manual Check Reconciliation

 A user re-printed Payroll Check which sets Cleared Status back to Blank in Manual Check Reconciliation. 

  1. In Payroll> End of Period> Check Reconciliation> Manual Check Reconciliation click Search, enter check number, click Accept
  2. Click Update, in Check Status Field, select Cleared, click Accept
Additional Information

This will set the status back to Cleared in Manual Check Recon and it will not show up on any uncleared check list for Financials.