You must first run a successful select Error Message When Printing Abatement Certificates From Abatement Entry

Description of Issue

When using the Print Cert option to print a single abatement certificate from Abatement Entry, the error message You must first run a successful select. displays at the bottom of the screen after defining the certificate and choosing an output option (Print, Save, ReadyForms, etc.). 

  • 2019.1+ 

  • Property Tax Billing 

  • Abatement Entry (txabtent) 

  • Print Single Abatement Certificate 


The abatement has a 0 value in the Valuation change, Exemption change, and Abatement amount fields. Since there technically is not an abatement, there is no abatement certificate for the program to select and output. 

  1. If in the Print Single Abatement Certificate screen, click Back. 

  2. Follow the steps here to enter either a Valuation change, Exemption change, or Abatement amount for the certificate: Change or Update an Abatement Amount

  3. After giving the abatement a value, try reprinting the certificate. The record should select and output as long as there is a value. 

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact tax support for the appropriate region.Â