Positions allowing FTE over defined Max Employees

Positions allowing FTE over defined Max Employees

Description of Issue

When adding employees to Positions that already are at the maximum FTE count, Munis does not prevent the action.

  • Payroll

  • Position Control

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Payroll Control Settings


The Payroll Control Setting record ALLOW POSITIONS TO EXCEED BUDGETED MAX was set to the value of Y - Yes to allow the actual FTE to exceed Position Control Max Employee count.


Set the ALLOW POSITIONS TO EXCEED BUDGETED MAX to the value of N - No to prevent the actual FTE to exceed Position Control:

  1. To proceed, navigate to the program Payroll Control Settings (Menu > Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Payroll Control Settings)

  2. Locate the category General and label ALLOW POSITIONS TO EXCEED BUDGETED MAX and Double-Click or select Accept to expand the record detail

  3. Click Update and set the value to N - No to prevent the actual FTE to exceed Position Control

  4. Select Accept to save the changes

Additional Information