What is a migrated role

What is a migrated role

Description of Issue

After upgrade there are new roles in the Roles program. Why were they created?





  • Migrated role functionality is part of the upgrade process. Migrated roles are in place to reflect changes to permissions we make as part of the version upgrade.
  • When making permissions changes in Munis, we typically do not want to update your site defined roles any more than necessary. To reflect changes in permissions, we will generally attach some sort of logic to the upgrade process that determines whether a user should have a new or expanded permission and instead of applying that change to your site defined roles, we apply it to a (migrated) role instead and give that to the user.
  • Cleaning these up is optional and existing functional roles should be evaluated to see if they should be adjusted to reflect the change in permissions, only then can the migrated role be safely deleted.