GA Teacher Retirement not generating Summer Prorated Earnings

GA Teacher Retirement not generating Summer Prorated Earnings

Description of Issue

How to setup the generate screen so Teachers will report Summer Prorated Earnings amount?

  • Payroll

  • Georgia

  • GA Teacher Retirement Report


Contract Type 10 & 11 Summer Months had not been defined on the Generate screen

  1. Open the GA Employer Teacher Retirement Report program

  2. Select Define

  3. Enter the starting and ending summer months in the Type 10 & Type 11 fields

  4. Select Accept

  5. Select Generate

Additional Information

During the summer months, prorated Summer Pay and Summer Employment Pay are reflected for summer employees, instead of Contract Pay. In order for Munis to complete the correct fields, you must identify the summer months for Contract Type 10 employees and the summer months for Contract Type 11 employees.