Add a Hold or Remove Code to a Lien

Description of Issue

Need to add a hold or remove code to a lien to prevent it from being taken further in the lien processing or remove it from the process altogether. 

  • Property Tax Billing 

  • Liens (tllienmt)


A property may have fully paid or other circumstances dictate that the property needs to be held back from lien processing or removed. 

  1. Navigate to the Liens program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Lien Processing/Reports > Lien Processing > Liens 

  2. Click Search. 

  3. Enter the Year and Parcel for the lien that needs a hold or remove code. 

  4. Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to locate the correct record if multiple liens return with the search.

  5. Click Update. 

  6. Choose whether to hold or remove the lien from further processing. 

    1. Enter an H in the Hold/Remove field to hold the lien. 

    2. Enter a R in the Hold/Remove field to remove the lien. 

  7. Choose a Reason for the hold or removal. 

  8. Click Accept. 

Additional Information
  • To add a new hold or remove code, please follow the steps outlined here: Add New Hold or Remove Code for Liens

  • If additional assistance is required, please contact tax support for the appropriate region.