Does my Check Date and GL Effective Date Have to Match?

Description of Issue

Do I need to use the same check date and GL effective date when posting my payroll?

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Payroll Processing

  • GL Distribution Journal


The Check Date of the payroll does not have to match the GL Effective Date when posting the payroll to the general ledger.

If the user has the appropriate permission, the user can override the GL Effective Date and posting period.

To determine if the user has permission, navigate your Tyler Menu to the following:

System Administration > Security > User Attributes.

  1. Search on the userID and highlight the Role that grants the user access to posting payroll and the financial module.

  2. Click Edit Role.

  3. Click the General Ledger folder.

The setting that allows a user to override the posting period and date is Override Accounting Period.


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