Cannot Output Final Proof in Payroll

Cannot Output Final Proof in Payroll

Description of Issue

When user clicks the option to output the final proof in Earnings and Deductions Proof, no data is generated

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions Proof

  • Location ranges

  • Org ranges


User did not have the Loc/Org ranges set up correctly on the Earnings and Deductions Proof define screen. They had 1500 to ZZZZ in the location range, and the system could not determine who to generate in the proof.

  1. Go back into Earnings and Deductions Proof

  2. Click Define.

  3. Click Loc/Org ranges.

  4. Set the range to 1500 to 1500 (or whatever the correct range should be)

  5. Hit Accept.

  6. Output the proof again

Additional Information