Create A Workflow Profile For Approvals

Create A Workflow Profile For Approvals

Description of Issue

Can instructions be provided for creating a basic Workflow Profile?

  • Time & Attendance

  • ExecuTime

  • ET

  • Workflow



To create a Workflow Profile:

  1. Select System Admin

  2. Select Workflow Management

  3. Under Workflow Approvals, select the + icon to add a new Time Approval Step

  4. Step number will default to step 1

  5. Enter a name that should represent the step. For example, enter Supervisors or Dept. Heads to describe which level of approval this step represents

  6. Approvers Required: One or All: One means it will require one approval per the Step. All means that it will require all Supervisors to approve that have Primary or Secondary access to the employee

  7. Select the check mark to proceed.

  8. Select the Primary Approvers icon (two people) to create the Primary approver for the step

  9. Select the + icon to add a new Primary

  10. Select the drop down arrow or use the type-ahead field to input the name of the supervisor as the Primary Approver

  11. If the supervisor would like to receive notifications, select the Notify checkbox

  12. Select the check mark to proceed.

  13. Select Criteria (filter icon)

  14. Select the + icon to add in the criteria

  15. The profile can be based on Location and/or Organization Type

  16. Select the drop-down arrow for Location and/or Organization Type to select the desired area

  17. If Organization Type was chosen, use the Organizational Unit drop down arrow to select the desired area

  18. If using a specific Attribute to restrict approvals, select the Attribute drown down arrow to choose the desired job costing code, position code, pay code, TA shift or AS Schedule 

  19. Select the check mark to save

  20. Select Done

  21. The above steps can be repeated to create further approvers under this step or select Back

  22. Select the Time-Off Request tab or Hours Request tab

  23. Follow the same steps above to create the Time-off & Hours Request Steps with the same Primary/Criteria

Additional Information

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