Payroll Export Failing Due To SOAP Error

Payroll Export Failing Due To SOAP Error

Description of Issue

The payroll export has failed a due a SOAP response not being valid.

Move to Payroll fails with error java.lang.Exceptoin: Problem with employee's timecard. No Records sent for employee

  • Time & Attendance
  • TA
  • ET
  • ExecuTime
  • Munis
  • SOAP Error


The following steps can be used in troubleshooting this issue:

Verify Tyler Connectivity within ExecuTime

  1. Select System Configuration
  2. Select Tyler Connectivity
  3. Select Test Tyler Web Connectivity > Ok
  4. Select Test Genero Service Connectivity > Ok
  5. If either of the connectivity test's fail, please see the corresponding articles:
    1. ExecuTime - Web Connectivity Test Fails
    2. ExecuTime - Genero Service Connectivity Failed

If the Connectivity tests return successful, please create a child case for Munis TSM/SaaS team in order to them to troubleshoot this issue further by checking the GAS service.

  • The title of the case should be similar to ‘check GAS services - ET Integration critical payroll’ and please include an internal note detailing the troubleshooting steps done so far this way we ensure the TSM/SaaS team is aware prior troubleshooting has been done.
  • Please follow up with the client letting them know this issue will be escalated and determine their deadline for payroll that way we can determine if a manual upload of the payroll hours would be required at that time.   

If the Munis TSM/SaaS team needs further assistance, please reach out to the ExecuTime TSM team. An analyst can assist in enabling Web-Service tracing or a Postman review during the export process.

Additional Information

The server log may hold the following errors:

A fault was returned from the SOAP response (404)Not Found


ERROR [stderr] (default task-1764) java.lang.Exception: The SOAP Response was not valid