Apply Prepayments

Apply Prepayments

Description of Issue

Payments that were collected prior to bill generation and entered as prepayments need to be applied to newly generated bills.  

  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Community Development 
  • Business Licenses 
  • Apply Prepayments (arprepay)

Payments were collected prior to a bill run and entered as prepayments. Now that bills exist, they need to be applied to the bills. 

  1. Navigate to the Apply Prepayments program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing >  Region > State > Collection Processing > Apply Prepayments 
  2. Click Define
  3. Enter an Entry Date if desired. (Note: Full field descriptions are available at anytime by clicking the question mark icon in the upper right corner and then selecting Help.) 
  4. Choose a Department if desired. 
  5. Enter a Deposit if desired. 
  6. Choose a GL effective date
  7. Enter the desired Year/Period. 
  8. Choose the AR category to process prepayments for. Options are: 
    1. 20 - REAL ESTATE
  9. Enter a Property code range if desired. 
  10. Enter the Apply to year to select which year of bills to apply prepayments against–only one year can be selected at a time. 
  11. Click Accept. (Note: View All can be clicked in the top ribbon to see a list of all available prepayments.)
  12. Click Select. The number of payments selected displays in the Payments selected field at the bottom of the page. 
  13. Click Output-Proc to process the prepayments and apply them to the bills. 
  14. Choose an output option for the report: Print, Save, PDF, or Display. 
  15. Click OK. 
  16. Review the report of prepayments to make sure that it is correct. 
  17. A message appears: Do you wish to process these payments and create a Munis Payments batch? 
  18. Click Yes to proceed and No to cancel. 
  19. If Yes was selected, the number of Payments processed and Batch total appears in the fields at the bottom of the page. 
  20. Post the batch created in Apply Prepayments through the Payments Journal program. Directions for that can be found here: How to post a payment batch in Payments Journal
Additional Information
  • To enter a payment as a prepayment prior to bill generation, please follow the steps outlined here: Enter a Prepayment
  • For a full overview of the prepayment process, please see the following article: Master Article - Prepayment Process
  • If additional assistance is required, please contact community development support for motor vehicle decal and business license prepayments. Please contact tax support for the appropriate region for tax prepayments.