Earnings and Deductions Proof-Option O-Summary Proof by GL Account shows total of 0 and undefined account

Description of Issue

User is running the O-Summary Proof by GL Account in Earnings and Deductions Proof. The result shows an account total of 0 and a message reading UNDEFINED ACCOUNT.

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions Proof


Org range on Loc/Org tab was left as blank to blank. 

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status. 

  2. Search for warrant. Click Accept then Change.

  3. Click Earnings and Deductions Proof.

  4. Click Define.

  5. Choose Option O-Summary Proof by GL Account.

  6. Click Loc/Org tab. 

  7. Define Org range as Blank to ZZZZZZZZ. 

  8. Click Accept. 

  9. Click PDF or choose print option to review report. 

Additional Information

For most programs, when searching using using an open range, the first field should be blank and the second should have a number of Zs that matches the maximum number of characters allowed for that particular value. 

Ex: Org=ZZZZZZZZ; Job Class=ZZZZ; Pay Type=ZZZ