TPAR Unable to Create Invoices

TPAR Unable to Create Invoices

Description of Issue

Using the Pay Later or Pay Now option in Parks & Rec results in the error: Failed to successfully create invoice. Please contact technical support.

Error logs show the following: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Tyler.ParksRecreation.Data.Core.AzureDateTimeHelper.ConvertTimeForStorage(DateTime initialTime, TimeZoneInfo timeZoneInfo)

  • Parks & Recreation
  • TPAR
  • Tyler Parks and Rec
  • Unable to process transactions
  • Unable to create invoices

MSDTC settings are configured incorrectly and not communicating transactional data to the server.

  1. Check MSDTC setup on both the Munis database server and the server where TPAR Administration is installed (typically IS server). The settings need to match between each server.
    1. Open Component Services
    2. Double click Computers > My Computer > Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    3. Right click Local DTC and click Properties
    4. Click the Security tab
      1. Check Network DTC Access to enable
      2. Check Allow Remote Clients
      3. Check Allow Inbound and Allow Outbound
      4. Authentication setting should match between servers
    5. If changes were made, click Apply
      1. Click Yes to restarting services
      2. Click OK
    6. Repeat on second server
    7. Once DTC settings match, recycle TPAR application pools in IIS
      1. How to Recycle an Application Pool in IIS
  2. If the issue persists:
    1. Verify services for MSDTC are running
    2. Check if firewall is permitting the traffic
    3. Test MSDTC Connectivity Between Servers
Additional Information

For further assistance, please contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal.