Limit for calc code 01 deductions in payroll

Limit for calc code 01 deductions in payroll

Description of Issue

Where do you enter the limit for deductions set up with CC01 - Amt From Deduction Master

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Payroll

  • Deduction and Benefit Master

  • Employee Deductions



For deductions set up with calc code 01, the limit amount must be entered on the Deduction and Benefit Master screen before adding or generating an employee into the payroll.  To enter the limit amount:

  1. Access Deduction and Benefit Master (Payroll > Payroll Setup > Deduction and Benefit Master)

  2. Search for the deduction

  3. Click Update

  4. Enter the Empe Limit and / or Empr Limit amount

    1. If the deduction is employee paid, enter the Empe Limit

    2. If the deduction is employer paid, enter the Empr Limit

    3. If the deduction is both pay, enter both the Empe Limit and Empr Limit

  5. Click Accept

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