How to run accrual year end for one employee

Description of Issue

How do I run the accrual year end for one employee?

  • Munis

  • Accrual Year End Processing


Employee was inactive when the accrual year end was run the first time for all employees.


Assign the employee to a unique Location code, then run Accrual Year End Processing for that one location code:

Assign the employee to a unique Location code:

  1. Access Employee Master: Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Master

  2. Search on the Employee, click Update, enter the unique Location code and click Accept

Accrual Year End Processing:

  1. Click Define

  2. TAB into the Location field and enter the unique Location in both Location fields

  3. Click Accept, click Output-Post in the ribbon

  4. After reviewing the proof select Yes to post the changes

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