End dated an Add to Base pay code in Employee Job Salary but Base Pay Recurring rate is incorrect
I end dated a pay code that adds to base in Employee Job/Salary but the base pay recurring rate is still including the add to base pay code amount.
Enterprise ERP Munis Version 2019.1 and higher
Employee Job/Salary
Pay Master
If the effective dates of the base pay and add to base pay line up, it will still be included in the recurring rate.
Two Options:
Duplicate the base pay record to an Effective date after the End Date of add to base pay.
Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)
Search for the employee. On the current base pay record, click Duplicate in the toolbar.
Define an Effective Date after the End Date of the add to base pay code. Click Accept.
Inactivate the add to base pay code.
Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)
Search for the employee and add to base pay code. Click Accept.
Click Update. Next to the Pay Status field select I-Inactive. Click Save.
Note - This option may not be advisable if site uses Retroactive Pay Processing. If a pay code is set to Inactive it will not pull into Retro Processing.