Recurring Hourly Rate in Employee Job/Salary is incorrect - Add to Base Pay Code

Description of Issue

A pay code is adding to the base pay recurring hourly rate incorrectly in Employee Job/Salary when the pay codes does not show Add to Base in Pay Master.

  • Munis
  • Employee Job/Salary
  • Pay Master
  • Payroll Audit Inquiry

The Add to Base checkbox was removed in Pay Master after the pay code was added in Employee Job/Salary.

  1. Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)
  2. Search for the employee and pay code that is adding to base. Click Delete in the toolbar. 
  3. Click Yes to the delete prompt. Click Add in the toolbar. Add the pay code back in and applicable data. Click Accept.
  4. Search for the employee again. Note the recurring rate on the base pay should now be less the add to base pay code.  
Additional Information

To view the audits:

  1. While in Employee Job/Salary, click Audit (Version 11.3) or View History (Version 2018.1 and higher) in the toolbar to see when the pay code was added (Type of A). 
  2. Go to Pay Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master) and search for the pay code that is adding to base. Click Audit or View History in the toolbar and find the date for the line where field prpt_add_base went from an Old Value of Y to a New Value of N.Â