834 Report CIGNA Branch Code setup

834 Report CIGNA Branch Code setup

Description of Issue

We recently started using the 834 Report in Munis and are looking for instructions on setting up the CIGNA Branch code for the REF*1L segment.

  • Employee Benefits 834 Export
  • 834 Report
  • CIGNA Branch Code

The CIGNA Branch code is made up of three separate fields within Munis that will need to be defined:

  1. Employee Policy - Located on the 834 Generate record
  2. CIGNA Benefit Option - Located on the 834 Generate record
  3. CIG - CIGNA Branch Code - Located within the program Global Crosswalks

To setup a CIGNA Branch Code in you will need to address the following fields:

  1. Employee Policy
  2. CIGNA Benefit Option
  3. CIGNA Branch Code

  • Employee Policy
    • Menu > Human Capital Management > Human Resources > Benefits Administration > Benefits Enrollment > Employee Benefits 834 Export
  1. Select Generate and navigate to your generate record for the CIGNA report.
  2. Under the header for Ranges, review the column for Employee Policy.
  3. This field will form bytes 1 through 7 on the REF*1L Segment.
  4. Be aware of using position of the bytes using leading or trailing spaces to adjust accordingly.

  • CIGNA Benefit Option
    • Menu > Human Capital Management > Human Resources > Benefits Administration > Benefits Enrollment > Employee Benefits 834 Export
  1. Select Generate and navigate to your generate record for the CIGNA report.
  2. Under the header for Ranges, review the column for Policy Number Type and assign the value CIGNA.
  3. Review the column CIGNA Benefit Option.
  4. This field will form bytes 14 through 28.

  • CIGNA Branch Code
    • Menu > Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Administration > Global Crosswalk
  1. Select Search and select the value CIG - CIGNA BRANCH CODE from the field Crosswalk Type.
  2. Click Accept and review for any already established codes.
  3. Select Add to create a new crosswalk record.
  4. The field Munis Value will need to match your Level Code in the program Insurance Premiums or Employee Deductions under the Health Insurance tab.
  5. The field Crosswalk Value will need to match CIGNA's expected code value.
  6. This crosswalk code will form bytes 8 through 13.
Additional Information

Please review the Master Article - 834 Reporting for all related topics.