New hire employees starting mid pay period are not included in Accrual Update

Description of Issue

New hire employees are missing in the Accrual Update when they start mid pay period. 

  • Munis
  • Payroll
  • Accrual Update
  • Employee Job/Salary 
  • Payroll Start and Status

The new hire employees had a base pay record in Employee Job/Salary with a Start Date after the Effective Date of the Accrual Update, which was defined as the pay period start date. 


Two Options:

  1. Use an Accrual Update Effective Date after the employee's start date.
    1. In this case use the End Date of the pay period to capture any employees who started mid pay period.
  2. Set the base pay Start Date in Employee Job/Salary to the first day of the pay period.
    1. This would allow for the effective date of the Accrual Update to be the start date of the payroll period.
  3. To check the employee's base pay dates, go into Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)
  4. Click Search. Define the employee number, click the Cycles/Other tab and check the base pay checkbox. Click Accept. 
Additional Information

The Accrual Update Effective Date is compared to the Start Date on the Base Pay in Employee Job/Salary to see if the employee has started on or after the Accrual Update effective Date. If the Start date is after the Accrual Update Effective Date, the employee will not earn the accruals.