MA ICESA Adjustment Reason Code invalid

MA ICESA Adjustment Reason Code invalid

Description of Issue

Adjustment Reason Code 0 is invalid on the MA ICESA

  • Payroll
  • Massachusetts
  • MA ICESA Employment Wage and Detail Report

Original Submission box was selected when generating

  1. Uncheck Original Submission box
  2. Add appropriate Adjustment Reason Code
Additional Information

When Original Submission is selected a 0 is entered for Adjustment Reason Code.  Original Submission is the First Submission for the Defined Quarter/Year.  

Adjustment Reason Code options:

  1. Employment and Wages adjusted because they were not taxable
  2. Wages adjusted because worker(s) were hired/terminated
  3. Employment and Wages adjusted to correct computer system, data entry or accounting errors
  4. Employment and Wages adjusted because they were reported to the wrong state
  5. Employment and Wages adjusted because the workers performed services for a different business
  6. Employment and Wages adjusted for non subject employer
  7. Employment adjusted
  8. Other