Update Remaining Amount in Employee Job Salary

Description of Issue

How do I update the remaining dollar amount in employee job salary so that it represents the amount for the number of pays remaining for everyone?

  • Payroll
  • Employee Job/Salary
  • Payroll Encumbering

The remaining dollar amount in Employee Job/Salary does not match the number of pays remaining for the employee.

  1. Under Payroll> End of Period> Payroll Encumbering. Click on Update Remaining Salary/Deduction Amounts.
  2. Define Fiscal Year and Effective Date. Select File Update Option. Click Update Method R - RECOMPUTE FROM REMAINING PAY PERIODS. Define applicable employee ranges. Click Accept.
  3. Click Accept. Click Process Salary. 
  4. Warning prompt will display noting, This process updates employee pay records and/or position control records. No other users can be maintaining these records during the recompute process. Do you wish to continue? Click Yes
Additional Information
  • All users should be out of Employee Job Salary when running the process.
  • Process does not produce a report. Update occurs when you Process Salary. 
  • Understanding Payroll Encumbering (see page 33)