Employee 834 record shows a relationship code of G8

Description of Issue
  • In the INS02 section the relationship field for the dependents is pulling the value of ‘G8” instead of 01 for spouse or 19 for child.
  • Employee Benefits 834 Export
  • 834 Employee record
  • Relationship Code
  • 834 Report

This is due to incomplete setup on the Global Crosswalks program under the type 83R - 834 Relationship Crosswalk

  1. Navigate to the program Global Crosswalks.
    • Menu > Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Administration > Global Crosswalks
  2. Select Search and search for the Type value of 83R.
  3. Review for any existing records.
  4. Click Add to create new records.
    1. You will want to align the code values for the crosswalk, for example the Munis value would be C for child and the Crosswalk value would be 19.
Additional Information

Please review the Master Article - 834 Reporting for all related topics.