Creating a pay code that is a percent of base pay

Description of Issue

How to create a pay code that takes a percentage of the base pay rate?

  • Munis
  • Payroll
  • Pay Master
  • Calc Code 90

Create a Calc Code 90 pay type in the Pay Master program. 

  1. Go to Pay Master: Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Pay Master
  2. Click Add
  3. Define the Pay Code number, default Start Date and End Date, Short Desc and Long Description of the pay type
  4. Select a Category of 6 - MISC/OTHER PAY from the drop-down menu and Calc Code 90 - PCT OF FINAL BASE SALARY
  5. Define your percentage in the Factor field and click Accept.

Additional Information

The factor field applies the percentage to the base pay, for example:

  • If an employee is supposed to earn an additional 5% of the base pay rate working this pay type, define the Factor field as 1.05.
  • If you want the pay code to pay the employee under 100% of the base pay rate, for example the employee should only earn 50% of the base pay rate, define the Factor as 0.50.